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LineJuggler : Duplicate and move around lines.

 script karma  Rating 40/15, Downloaded by 4614  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Ingo Karkat
script type
This plugin offers mappings to quickly duplicate and move lines to above /
below the current line. A [count] either specifies the number of lines, or the
relative visible target line, therefore it's especially easy to clone lines
when 'relativenumber' is set.
The mappings can save you several keystrokes over an explicit |dd|/
|yy|[{motion}, ...]|p| sequence in cases where the other lines are nearby and
visible in the current window.

Oftentimes, duplication in source code is a code smell. Please use this plugin
responsibly ;-)

- The swap functionality of the plugin's [E / ]E mappings are also
  available as an Ex :Swap command, provided by the companion
  LineJugglerCommands.vim plugin (vimscript #4465).
- http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Quickly_adding_and_deleting_empty_lines has
  a simple implementation of the [<Space> mapping; it also offers mappings
  that delete blank empty lines above / below the current line / selection
  without changing the current position; these can complement the mappings
  provided by this plugin.

- Idea, design and implementation of the [<Space> and [e mappings are based on
  Tim Pope's unimpaired.vim plugin (vimscript #1590). In addition, unimpaired
  provides other, unrelated functionality (all via [... / ]... mappings), but
  doesn't offer customization of the mappings.
- textmanip.vim (vimscript #3491) provides mappings to move and duplicate
  (selected / current) line(s).
- upAndDown (vimscript #2586) provides mappings to move line(s) / selection up
  or down.
- move (vimscript #4687) also provides mappings to move lines / selection
- vim-schlepp (https://github.com/zirrostig/vim-schlepp), too

[<Space>                Add [count] blank lines above the current line / above
                        the start of the selection.
                        In a single-line characterwise-visual selection:
                        Add [count] spaces before the start of the selection.
"x[<Space>              Prepend [count] blank lines to the contents in
                        register x. Does not work for the default register.

]<Space>                Add [count] blank lines below the current line / below
                        the end of the selection.
                        In a single-line characterwise-visual selection:
                        Add [count] spaces after the end of the selection.
"x]<Space>              Append [count] blank lines to the contents in
                        register x. Does not work for the default register.

[e                      Move the current line / selection [count] lines above.

]e                      Move the current line / selection [count] lines below.
                        In a single-line characterwise-visual selection:
                        Move the selected text to the same start column
                        [count] lines above / below (regardless of whether the
                        target line is that long already; missing columns are
                        filled up with spaces).

[E                      Exchange the current line with the line / closed fold
                        [count] lines above.
                        Exchange the current closed fold with the same amount
                        of visible lines as are in the fold, [count] lines
{Visual}[E              Exchange the selection with the same amount of visible
                        lines located [count] lines above.
                        In a single-line characterwise-visual selection:
                        Exchange the selected text with the same-sized
                        area [count] lines above.
]E                      Exchange the current line with the line / closed fold
                        [count] lines below.
                        Exchange the current closed fold with the same amount
                        of visible lines as are in the fold, [count] lines
{Visual}]E              Exchange the selection with the same amount of visible
                        lines located [count] lines below.
                        In a single-line characterwise-visual selection:
                        Exchange the selected text with the same-sized
                        area [count] lines below.

[d                      Duplicate the current line / selection directly
                        above / across [count] lines above the current line /
                        above the start of the selection.
                        In a single-line characterwise-visual selection:
                        Duplicate before the selection (to [count] characters
                        before the start of the selection).
]d                      Duplicate the current line / selection directly
                        below / across [count] lines below the current line /
                        below the end of the selection.
                        In a single-line characterwise-visual selection:
                        Duplicate after the selection (to [count] characters
                        after the end of the selection).
[N][d{M}, [N]]d{M}      Duplicate {M} lines across [N] lines. A combination
                        of [d and [D.

[D                      Duplicate the current  / [count] lines to above the
                        current line.
{Visual}[D              Duplicate the selection [count] times above the
                        In a single-line characterwise-visual selection:
                        Duplicate before the selection [count] times.
]D                      Duplicate the current  / [count] lines to below that
{Visual}]D              Duplicate the selection [count] times below the
                        In a single-line characterwise-visual selection:
                        Duplicate after the selection [count] times.
[N][D{M}, [N]]D{M}      Duplicate [N] lines across {M} lines. A combination
                        of [d and [D. Equivalent to [N][d{M}, but with
                        reverse order of the numbers.

[f                      Fetch the line [count] visible lines below the current
                        line and duplicate it below the current line.
]f                      Fetch the line [count] visible lines above the current
                        line and duplicate it below the current line.
{Visual}[f              Fetch the same number of visible lines starting from
                        the line [count] lines below the current line and
                        duplicate them above the start of the selection.
{Visual}]f              Fetch the same number of visible lines starting from
                        the line [count] lines above the current line and
                        duplicate them below the end of the selection.

[r                      Fetch the line [count] visible lines below the current
                        line and replace the current line with it.
]r                      Fetch the line [count] visible lines above the current
                        line and replace the current line with it.
{Visual}[r              Replace the selection with the same number of visible
                        lines fetched starting from the line [count] lines
                        below the current line.
{Visual}]r              Replace the selection with the same number of visible
                        lines fetched starting from the line [count] lines
                        above the current line.
                        In a single-line characterwise-visual selection:
                        Replace the selected text with the same-sized
                        area [count] lines below / above.

                        When the cursor is on a closed fold or the selection
                        contains a closed fold, the entire set of folded lines
                        is used. All mappings treat closed folds as a fixed
                        entity, so they will never move / duplicate into a
                        closed fold, always over it.
                        A [count] specifies visible lines, closed folds are
                        counted as one line, so you can use the
                        'relativenumber' column to easily reach a target.
                        (Except for v_[d and v_]d when at the opposite
                        side of the selection.)
install details
The code is hosted in a Git repo at
You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used
for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable
development snapshot on "master".

This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip"
decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise,
decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by
sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.
    vim LineJuggler*.vmb.gz
    :so %
To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.

- Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
- Requires the ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.022 or
- repeat.vim (vimscript #2136) plugin (optional)
- visualrepeat.vim (vimscript #3848) plugin (optional)

For a permanent configuration, put the following commands into your vimrc:

If you want to use different mappings, map your keys to the
<Plug>(LineJuggler...) mapping targets _before_ sourcing the script (e.g. in
your vimrc):
    nmap <C-Up>   <Plug>(LineJugglerBlankUp)
    nmap <C-Down> <Plug>(LineJugglerBlankDown)
    vmap <C-Up>   <Plug>(LineJugglerBlankUp)
    vmap <C-Down> <Plug>(LineJugglerBlankDown)
The |[d||[D| combination mappings are only defined for low values of {M}. For
how many (and the default mapping keys) are configured via two variables:
    let g:LineJuggler_DupRangeOver= [9, '[%dD', ']%dD']
    let g:LineJuggler_DupOverRange= [9, '[%dd', ']%dd']
The first number specifies the upper limit of {M}; with 0, no combination
mappings are defined. The second and third argument represent the mapping
keys, with the {M} number inserted at the %d.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
LineJuggler-2.12.vmb.gz 2.12 2024-11-10 7.0 Ingo Karkat - BUG: Exchange via [E sometimes loses lines when folding happens in between the two range swaps. Temporarily disable folding during the second replacement. Thanks to Ilya Tumaykin for reporting this.
- ENH: Overload [<Space> and ]<Space> to prepend / append blank line(s) to the given non-default register.
- Adapt: Compatibility: Adding one character to previous exclusive selection not needed since Vim 9.0.1172
LineJuggler-2.11.vmb.gz 2.11 2018-11-04 7.0 Ingo Karkat - ]e / [e cause fold update / may close all folds (e.g. in HTML) (after Vim 7.4.700). Culprit is the :move command; temporarily disable folding during its execution to avoid that.
- Move LineJuggler#FoldClosed() and LineJuggler#FoldClosedEnd() into ingo-library as ingo#range#NetStart() and ingo#range#NetEnd(). *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.022! ***
LineJuggler-2.10.vmb.gz 2.10 2014-06-11 7.0 Ingo Karkat - ENH: Add combination mappings of ]d and ]D that can specify both a number of lines and number of skipped lines (one limited to a small range of 1..9) to handle the often-needed use case of duplicating a few lines with a little offset, without having to go through visual mode and ]D.
- Expose (most of) s:RepFetch() as LineJuggler#ReplaceRanges() for use with the companion LineJugglerCommands.vim plugin.
LineJuggler-2.01.vmb.gz 2.01 2013-12-19 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Adapt to changed ingo#register#KeepRegisterExecuteOrFunc() interface.
- FIX: Intra-line ]r and ]E do not work in Vim versions before 7.3.590; need to use ingo#compat#setpos().
- XXX: Include workaround for wrong cursor position at the beginning, not the end of an intra-line swap to the end of the line, starting with Vim 7.4.034. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.015! ***
LineJuggler-2.00.vmb.gz 2.00 2013-11-14 7.0 Ingo Karkat - ENH: Implement special DWIM behavior for duplication of characterwise single-line selection:
  Add spaces before / after the selection ([<Space> / ]<Space>).
  Duplicate before / after the selection in the same line, either with [count]
  as character offset ([d / ]d) or repeat count ([D / ]D).
  Move only selection above / below ([e / ]e).
  Exchange only selection above / below ([E / ]E).
  Replace selection with text from above / below (]r / [r).
  *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.014! ***
LineJuggler-1.23.vmb.gz 1.23 2013-10-26 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add message "N lines swapped with M lines" on [E / ]E.
- Add message "Replaced N lines" for [r / ]r.
- Add dependency to ingo-library (vimscript #4433). *** You need to separately install ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.004 (or higher)! ***
LineJuggler-1.22.vmb.gz 1.22 2013-03-08 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Expose s:DoSwap() as LineJuggler#SwapRanges() for use with the companion LineJugglerCommands.vim plugin.
LineJuggler-1.21.vmb.gz 1.21 2012-09-03 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Avoid clobbering the expression register.
LineJuggler.vba.gz 1.20 2012-07-27 7.0 Ingo Karkat - CHG: [d / ]d duplication without [count] still duplicates to the directly adjacent line, but with [count] now across [count] lines, which aligns with the 'relativenumber' hint.
- FIX: Correct clipping at the end for the ]E mapping.
- FIX: Make sure that v_[E / v_]E never swap with a single folded target line; this special behavior is reserved for the single-line normal mode swap.
- CHG: For visual selections in v_[E, v_[f, v_[r, also use the amount of visible lines, not the number of lines contained in the selection. This makes it more consistent with the overall plugin behavior and is hopefully also more useful.
- The workaround in s:PutWrapper() is not necessary after Vim version 7.3.272; add conditional.
LineJuggler.vba.gz 1.10 2012-07-23 7.0 Ingo Karkat CHG: Split [f and {Visual}[f behaviors into two families of mappings:
a) [f to fetch below current line and {Visual}[f to fetch selected number of lines above/below selection
b) [r to fetch and replace current line / selection.
LineJuggler.vba.gz 1.00 2012-07-20 7.0 Ingo Karkat Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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