redocommand |
Execute commands from the command history. |
IndentConsistencyCop |
Is the buffer's indentation consistent and does it conform to tab settings? |
IndentConsistencyCopAutoCmds |
autocmds for IndentConsistencyCop.vim |
writebackup |
Write backups of current file with date file extension. |
writebackupVersionControl |
Version control functions (diff, restore, history) for writebackup backups. |
ReloadScript |
Reload a Vim script during script development. |
camelcasemotion |
Motion through CamelCaseWords and underscore_notation. |
IndentCommentPrefix |
Keep comment prefix in column 1 when indenting. |
EditSimilar |
Commands to edit files with a similar filename. |
runVimTests |
A testing framework for Vim. |
compiler/jsl.vim |
Compiler plugin for JavaScript Lint. |
SearchPosition |
Show relation to search pattern matches in range or buffer. |
Mark |
Highlight several words in different colors simultaneously. (#1238 continued) |
EnhancedJumps |
Enhanced jump and change list navigation commands. |
ReplaceWithRegister |
Replace text with the contents of a register. |
SnippetComplete |
Insert mode completion that completes defined abbreviations and other snippets. |
writebackupToAdjacentDir |
Backup to an adjacent backup directory. |
CountJump |
Create custom motions and text objects via repeated jumps. |
help_movement |
Movement over Vim help sections with ]] etc. |
diff_movement |
Movement over diff hunks with ]] etc. |
fortunes_movement |
Movement over email fortunes with ]] etc. |
mail_movement |
Movement over email quotes with ]] etc. |
LimitWindowSize |
Reduce the current window size by placing an empty padding window next to it. |
CaptureClipboard |
Append system clipboard changes to current buffer. |
CommandWithMutableRange |
Execute commands which may add or remove lines for each line in the range. |
RangeMacro |
Execute macro repeatedly until the end of a range is reached. |
UnconditionalPaste |
Force character-/line-/block-wise paste, regardless of how it was yanked. |
StatusLineHighlight |
Change statusline color depending on buffer state. |
JumpToLastOccurrence |
f{char} motions that count from the end of the line. |
diffwindow_movement |
Movement over changes in a diff window. |
SpellCheck |
Work with spelling errors. |
visualrepeat |
Repeat command extended to visual mode. |
CompleteHelper |
Generic functions to support custom insert mode completions. |
CamelCaseComplete |
Insert mode completion that expands CamelCaseWords and underscore_words. |
writebackupAutomator |
Automatically write a backup on the first write. |
ShowTrailingWhitespace |
Detect unwanted whitespace at the end of lines. |
DeleteTrailingWhitespace |
Delete unwanted whitespace at the end of lines. |
JumpToTrailingWhitespace |
Motions to locate unwanted whitespace at the end of lines. |
TaskMotions |
Motions to task and TODO markers. |
ConflictMotions |
Motions to and inside SCM conflict markers. |
vim_movement |
Movement over Vim functions with ]m etc. |
vbs_movement |
Movement over VBScript classes / functions / properties / subs with ]m etc. |
dosbatch_movement |
Movement over MSDOS batch file functions / labels with ]m etc. |
TextTransform |
Create text transformation mappings and commands. |
html_FileCompletion |
Base dir- and URL-aware file completion for HTML links. |
OnSyntaxChange |
Generate events when moving onto / off a syntax group. |
BufferPersist |
Save certain buffers somewhere when quitting them. |
MessageRecall |
Browse and re-insert previous (commit, status) messages. |
VcsMessageRecall |
Browse and re-insert previous VCS commit messages. |
TaggedSearchPattern |
Attach names to search patterns for easier recall. |
ConflictDetection |
Detect and highlight SCM conflict markers. |
LineJuggler |
Duplicate and move around lines. |
SearchAlternatives |
Add / subtract alternatives to / from the search pattern. |
ArgsAndMore |
Apply commands to multiple buffers and manage the argument list. |
AlignFromCursor |
Perform :left / :right only for the text on and right of the cursor. |
LogViewer |
Comfortable examination of multiple parallel logfiles. |
SyntaxRange |
Define a different filetype syntax on regions of a buffer. |
GrepCommands |
Perform :vimgrep over arguments, buffers, windows. |
CursorLineCurrentWindow |
Only highlight the screen line of the cursor in the currently active window. |
PrevInsertComplete |
Recall and insert mode completion for previously inserted text. |
GrepHere |
List occurrences in the current buffer in the quickfix window. |
GrepTasks |
Grep for tasks and TODO markers. |
RepeatableYank |
Repeatable appending yank to a named register. |
SameFiletypeComplete |
Insert mode completion from buffers with the same filetype. |
IndentTab |
Use tabs for indent at the beginning, spaces for alignment in the rest of a line |
PatternComplete |
Insert mode completion for matches of queried / last search pattern. |
MotionComplete |
Insert mode completion for chunks covered by queried {motion} or text object. |
BracketComplete |
Insert mode completion for text inside various brackets. |
LineEndComplete |
Insert mode completion that completes the rest of the line. |
SnippetCompleteSnipMate |
Integrate snipMate snippets into SnippetComplete plugin. |
BufNameComplete |
Insert mode completion of filenames loaded in Vim. |
SearchHighlighting |
Highlighting of searches via star, auto-highlighting. |
ChangeGlobally |
Change {motion} text and repeat the substitution. |
ChangeGloballySmartCase |
Change {motion} text and repeat as SmartCase substitution. |
SameSyntaxMotion |
Motions to the borders of the same syntax highlighting. |
GlobalOptions |
Turn global options into buffer- or window-local ones. |
ingo-library |
Vimscript library of common functions. |
QuickFixCurrentNumber |
Locate the quickfix item at the cursor position. |
RelativeNumberCurrentWindow |
Only show relative numbers in the currently active window. |
ProportionalResize |
Adapt the window proportions after Vim is resized. |
LineJugglerCommands |
Commands to duplicate and move around lines. |
PreserveNoEOL |
Preserve missing EOL at the end of text files. |
PatternsOnText |
Advanced commands to apply regular expressions. |
AutoAdapt |
Automatically adapt timestamps, copyright notices, etc. |
BidiComplete |
Insert mode completion that considers text before AND AFTER the cursor. |
DuplicateWrite |
Cascade the writing of a file to another location. |
TextFormComplete |
Convert textual options into completion candidates. |
repeatableMapping |
Set up mappings that can be repeated via repeat.vim. |
ExtractMatches |
Yank matches from range into a register. |
InnerFragmentComplete |
Insert mode completion based on fragments inside words. |
MultiWordComplete |
Insert mode completion that completes a sequence of words based on anchors. |
JumpToVerticalOccurrence |
Like f{char}, but searching the same screen column, not line. |
InsertFromAround |
Insert mode mappings to fetch text or indent from surrounding lines. |
ExtractLinks |
Replace inline links with unique references and a link table. |
FilePathConvert |
Convert filespec between absolute, relative, and URL formats. |
clone |
Create a duplicate clone of the current buffer. |
cloneSimilar |
Create a duplicate clone of the current buffer with a similar name. |
LineComplete |
Insert mode completion of entire lines based on looser matching. |
AlphaComplete |
Insert mode completion based on any sequence of alphabetic characters. |
FindOccurrence |
Extended mappings for :isearch, :ilist and :ijump. |
FormatToWidth |
Apply the gq command to the selected / count width. |
SearchSpecial |
Generic functions for special search modes. |
SearchRepeat |
Repeat the last type of search via n/N. |
AdvancedSorters |
Sorting of certain areas or by special needs. |
SwapText |
Mappings to exchange text with the previously deleted text. |
AdvancedDiffOptions |
Additional diff options and commands to manage them. |
SearchInRange |
Limit search to range when jumping to the next search result. |
ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister |
Replace lines with the contents of a register, keeping the original indent. |
EntryComplete |
Insert mode completion based on lines in designated files or buffers. |
SpecialLocationComplete |
Insert mode completion for special custom patterns. |
syn-preproc |
C preprocessor syntax on top of other syntaxes. |
SubstituteExpression |
Pass text through an expression. |
WORDComplete |
Insert mode completion that completes an entire sequence of non-blank characters |
AutoSave |
Automatically persist a buffer frequently. |
SearchAsQuickJump |
Quick search without affecting 'hlsearch', search pattern and history. |
JumpToVerticalBlock |
Like W / E, but vertically in the same column. |
ModelineCommands |
Extended modelines that allow the execution of arbitrary Vim commands. |
MarkMarkup |
Convert mark.vim highlighting to markup inside the text. |
AdvancedMarks |
Work with marks with more power. |
CmdlineSpecialEdits |
Useful replacements of parts of the cmdline. |
KeepText |
Keep only {motion} text in lines or the buffer. |