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open-browser-github.vim : Open GitHub URL of file, issue, pull request (GitHub Enterprise supported)

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  This plugin requires:
  * open-browser.vim
  * git command in your PATH


  There are 4 commands.

    Opens a specific file in github.com repository(it also opens in the current branch by default).

    " Opens current files URL in github.com
    " Opens current files highlighted place in github.com
    " Opens a specific file in github.com
    :OpenGithubFile PATH/TO/FILE

    Opens a specific Issue.

    " Opens current repositories Issue #1
    :OpenGithubIssue 1
    " Opens a specific repositories Issue #1
    :OpenGithubIssue 1 tyru/open-browser.vim
    " Opens current repositories Issue List
    " Opens a specific repositories Issue list
    :OpenGithubIssue tyru/open-browser.vim

    This command opens /pulls page when it has no argument. Otherwise, it does entirely the same thing as :OpenGithubIssue since GitHub redirects /issues/1 to /pull/1 if #1 is a Pull Request.

    Opens a project page.

    " Opens current opening file's repository.
    " ex) https://{hostname}/{user}/{name}

    " Opens current opening file's repository.
    " ex) https://{hostname}/tyru/open-browser.vim
    :OpenGithubProject tyru/open-browser.vim

GitHub Enterprise setting

  If you have hub command in your PATH, openbrowser-github executes the following command:

    hub browse -u -- {path}

  And it will open the returned (output) URL.

  If you don't have hub command in your PATH, openbrowser-github tries to get each part of URL from the following gitconfig key:

    * hub.host

  You can specify GitHub Enterprise repository URL by setting above keys in gitconfig.

  For example, you can set hub.host by executing the following command in your git repository which you want to specify GitHub Enterprise repository URL.

    git config --local hub.host my.git.org

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
open-browser-github-v1.0.1.zip v1.0.1 2018-03-24 7.4 tyru [Fix] Fix undefined variable when openbrowser's global variable is not defined at startup (#27)
open-browser-github-v1.0.0.zip v1.0.0 2018-03-11 7.4 tyru Initial upload
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