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caw.vim : Comment plugin: Operator mappings/Dot-repeatable/300+ filetypes

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Latest version: https://github.com/tyru/caw.vim


The below are the examples in "filetype=c".
caw.vim supports 300+ filetypes (see |caw-supported-filetypes|).

Type "gci" (toggle: "gcc", uncomment: "gcui")
    "   <- inserted here"
    "   # <- inserted here"

Type "gcI" (uncomment: "gcuI")
    "   inserted the first column"
    "#    inserted the first column"

Type "gca" (uncomment: "gcua")
    "inserted after this"
    "inserted after this    # "

Type "gcw" (uncomment: "gcuw")
    "  wrap!"
    "  /* wrap! */"

Type "gcb"
    "  box!"
    "  /********/"
    "  /* box! */"
    "  /********/"

Type "gco"
    "   func1();"
    "   func1()"
    "   // "  (now cursor is at the end and entered insert-mode)

Type "gcO"
    "   func1();"
    "   // "  (now cursor is at the end and entered insert-mode)
    "   func1();"


* Supports 300+ filetypes (see |caw-supported-filetypes|).
  * But caw.vim does not slow down your Vim startup because each comment
    string are defined at ftplugin files (after/ftplugin/<filetype>/caw.vim).
* Supports operator keymappings (|caw-keymappings-operator|).
  * If |g:caw_operator_keymappings| is non-zero, all default keymappings map
    to operator keymappings.
  * If you need operator-user.vim to use operator keymappings.
* Supports also non-operator keymappings (|caw-keymappings-non-operator|).
* Dot-repeatable if you installed repeat.vim
* The comment behavior only depends on 'filetype' by default.
  But if you have installed context_filetype.vim, caw.vim also depends on the
  filetype of the context of the current cursor location.
  So you can comment/uncomment JavaScript in HTML correctly.
* Well-tested powered by https://github.com/thinca/vim-themis
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package script version date Vim version user release notes
caw-v1.0.zip 1.0 2016-05-03 7.3 tyru Initial upload
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