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rcom : Evaluate R (www.r-project.org) code via rcom, rserve, screen, or tmux

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created by
Tom Link
script type
The rcom ftplugin uses one of the following methods to evaluate R code:

    screen ... default method; works under Linux & Windows (with cygwin/mintty & Windows Rterm)
    screen or tmux ... via the screen vim plugin; works under Linux & Windows
    RServe ... requires +ruby and the rserve-client rubygem; works under Linux & (less reliably) under Windows
    RCom interface ... requires http://rcom.univie.ac.at; works under Windows

With the exception of RCOM, most methods should work also under Mac OS
but that was not tested.

After installation, interaction with R is enabled for all
buffers with filetype r. For other filetypes, you can use the
functions |rcom#EvaluateInBuffer()|.


    - Evaluate R code
    - Operator map
    - Maps for normal, visual, and insert mode
    - Keyword map (|K|)
    - Inspect & edit/fix object (<LocalLeader>K)
    - Debug functions

The following features are supported only with some methods:

    - Omnicompletion for R
    - Get return values from R


The ftplugin provides several maps (see also |g:rcom_map|,
|g:rcom_mapp|) to evaluate R code and optionally print the result in
normal, insert, and visual mode. There is also an operator (see

Default Maps:
    <c-cr>    ... Evaluate the current line
    <c-s-cr>  ... Evaluate the current line & print result
    +.        ... Evaluate the current line (normal mode)
    +{motion} ... Operator
    [visual]+ ... Evaluate the visual area
    +p        ... Toggle printing for the above maps
    +d        ... Toggle a function's debug status
    +l        ... Open the log window
    ++        ... Evaluate the |maparg| previously mapped to +
    K         ... Info on the word under cursor
    <LocalLeader>K ... Inspect/edit/fix the object under cursor

Normal usage~

    0.  Optional steps:
            a. Prepare a running instance of RGui if using the RCOM
            b. RCOM and screen methods: The results get printed in the R
               window. You might want to arrange the windows in a way,
               so that you can see VIM, R console and R graphic device
               at the same time.
    1.  Open an R source file in VIM.
    2a. Type <c-cr> to evaluate the current line/visual area in R.
    2b. Type [count]+ or +{motion} to evaluate some text in R. (You can
        type ++ to invoke |+|.)
install details

    - R

RCOM method:

    - Windows only (because of rcom)
    - A ruby-enabled version of vim -- :echo has('ruby') must print 1
    - A suitable version of rcom (http://rcom.univie.ac.at). The rcom
      library has to be loaded in vim, which should be the default
      behaviour after installing rcom. The following code snippet must
      not throw an error: >

      :ruby require 'win32ole'; r = WIN32OLE.new("StatConnectorSrv.StatConnector"); r.Init("R"); r.Close

RServe method:

    - A ruby-enabled version of vim -- :echo has('ruby') must print 1
    - R rserve library installed
    - rserve-client rubygem installed

Screen method:

    - screen
    - For tmux: Eric Van Dewoestine's screen vim plugin installed (see

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
rcom.vba 0.03 2012-07-20 7.0 Tom Link - .gitignore
- g:rcom_r_plugin_compatibility: Use maps somewhat similar to the r-plugin (untested)
- Support alternative methods to connect to R: rserve and screen/tmux
- RDebug/RUndebug commands
- screen: rcom's own simplified method to use screen (now the default method)
- Method = screen: Support for gvim @ linux & gnome-terminal
- g:rcom#reuse = g:rcom#method == 'rcom'
- g:rcom#r_object_browser = 'str'
- Use rcom_vim.R
- g:rcom#screen#rterm = executable('Rterm') ? 'Rterm --ess' : 'R'
- s:reuse = g:rcom#reuse || !has("gui_running")
- g:rcom#screen#rcom_session replaces g:rcom#screen#rcom_args
- g:rcom#screen#rcom_sep = 0
- Make rcom/screen work also on the terminal
- s:Scratch() takes buffer "type" as an argument
- rcom#EvaluateInBuffer(): Show the transcript if the transcript buffer is visible or when running vim as server
- Highlight debugged functions
- rcom#Debug(fn): Toggle the debug status
- g:rcom#options = 'warn = 1'
- Connect & Disconnect return 1 when they created / closed an instance of R
- rcom.options
- screen/rcom: Better timing; make sure not to miss commands
- screen/rcom: set s:tempfile only once
- rcom_vim.R
- rcom_vim.R: Fixed checks for "reuse"
- g:rcom#screen#rcom_shell is a format string
- Improved timing (use msgwait=0 and sleep for g:rcom#screen#rcom_shell seconds in order not to miss a subsequent eval)
- rcom#Quit(): Remove buffer-local autocommand
- rcom/screen: set msgwait & msgminwait to 0 (reset on disconnect)
- rcom/screen: When waiting for a response, also check the file size &, if mode == 'r', the file content
- g:rcom#options: if has('gui_running') set help_type = "html"
- rcom.complete()
- rcom#Keyword(): Pass name and name as string as argument
- rcom#Info(): Call rcom#EvaluateInBuffer() with mode = ''
- Fix missed disconnect when using multiple R buffers
- Filename conversion (e.g. via cygpath)
- screen/rcom: Always use -S for gvim
- rcom/screen: Run -wipe with session info
MD5 checksum: f45fe4fdf1e8876ec0549e7572026227
rcom.vba.gz 0.2 2010-03-09 7.0 Tom Link - Add cursor markers only if w:tskeleton_hypercomplete exists
- g:rcom#reuse: If 0, don't use a running instance of R GUI (transcribe the results in VIM; be aware that some problems could cause problems)
- If there is a vim server named RCOM running, evaluate R code remotely (this won't block the current instance of gvim)
- Use g:rcom#server to start an instance of gvim that acts as server/proxy
- Transcript, log
rcom.vba.gz 0.1 2010-02-25 7.0 Tom Link Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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