VimTrac : A vim client for the Trac wiki and ticketing system
script karma |
Rating 25/10,
Downloaded by 3753 |
Comments, bugs, improvements
Vim wiki
created by |
Michael Brown |
script type |
utility |
description |
[NOTE: The most recent version requires the Align.vim (vimscript #294) plugin if you want to use the summary ticket view. (The default and most readable view)]
This is a client for the open source trac source code manager and ticketing system. ( It will enable you to
- do browsing and editing of a trac sites wiki pages
- create and edit tickets
- add attachments
- view project timelines changesets as unified diffs.
- perform trac site searches
- browser previews and text dumps of wikis.
VimTrac's wiki is here
The Repo is now on github here
If you have any issues/requests create a ticket there using the login details in the trac.vim script or email me.
install details |
Usage Notes
* You must have a working Trac repository version 0.10 or later
complete with the xmlrpc plugin and a user with suitable access
* Vim must be compiled with python support and your client must have
python 2.4.4 or later
Add the, trac.vim in either your $VIMRUMTTIME/plugin directory or your HOME/.vim/plugin/ directory.
Add trac.txt to your doc directory and run :helptags (dir) to source it.
* Read the trac.vim leading comments on the setup
* create links to your trac servers in a vimscript dictionary in your vimrc as follows...
let g:tracServerList = {}
let g:tracServerList['Vim Trac - vimtrac user'] = 'http://vimtracuser:[email protected]/vimtrac/login/xmlrpc'
let g:tracServerList['(Server Name)'] = 'http://(user):(password)@(trac serverpath)/login/xmlrpc'
The servers can now be set by typing
:TTServer <Server Name>
:TWServer <Server Name>
The <tab> key will cycle through available servers.
Defatult key mappings:
* <leader>to - Opens the Trac wiki view
* <leader>tq - Closes the Trac wiki View
* <leader>tw - Writes the Current Wiki Page (Uses default update
* (0.2.3) <leader>tt - Toggles between current window size mode.
(normal, full horizontal,maximized ....)
* (0.2.5) <leader>tp - Launches a browser preview of the current
wiki page
* :TWOpen - Open the wiki View
* :TClose - Close the wiki View
* :TWSave "<Comment>" - Saves the Active Wiki Page
* :TTOpen <Ticket ID> - Open Trac Ticket Browser
* :TWCreate - Create a Wiki Page
* :TServer <Trac Server> - Set the Current Server (tab
* :TSearch <search term> - Opens Trac Search View
* :TWPreview - opens current wiki in browser
* :TWDump - lynx dump of the current wiki
* :TracChangesetView? <id> - Opens a Unified Diff of a
specific changeset
Buffer Specific Key Mappings
* In the Wiki TOC View Pages can be loaded for editing by hitting
<enter> or <space> for browser preview
* In the Ticket can be loaded for editing by hitting <enter> or
<space> for browser preview on lines containing Ticket:>>
* In the Wiki View Window a Page will go to the wiki page if you hit
ctrl+] but will throw an error if you arent on a proper link.
* Wikis can now be saved with :w and :wq. (As of 0.2.3 it pauses
:TWSave ? so you can enter a change comment)
* In all Trac windows :q will return to the normal view
* Wiki Syntax will work with this wiki syntax file
script versions (upload new version)
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