created by |
Tim Pope |
script type |
utility |
description |
This is a massive (in a good way) Vim plugin for editing Ruby on Rails applications.
* Easy navigation of the Rails directory structure. gf considers context and knows about partials, fixtures, and much more. There are two commands, :A (alternate) and :R (related) for easy jumping between files, including favorites like model to schema, template to helper, and controller to functional test. Commands like :Emodel, :Eview, :Econtroller, are provided to :edit files by type, along with S, V, and T variants for :split, :vsplit, and :tabedit. Throw a bang on the end (:Emodel foo!) to automatically create the file with the standard boilerplate if it doesn't exist. :help rails-navigation
* Enhanced syntax highlighting. From has_and_belongs_to_many to distance_of_time_in_words, it's here.
* Interface to the rails command. Generally, use :Rails console to call rails console. Many commands have wrappers with additional features: :Generate controller Blog generates a blog controller and loads the generated files into the quickfix list, and :Runner wraps rails runner and doubles as a direct test runner. :help rails-exec
* Default task runner. Use :Rails (with no arguments) to run the current test, spec, or feature. Use :.Rails to do a focused run of just the method, example, or scenario on the current line. :Rails can also run arbitrary migrations, load individual fixtures, and more. :help rails-default-task
* Partial and concern extraction. In a view, :Rextract {file} replaces the desired range (typically selected in visual line mode) with render '{file}', which is automatically created with your content. In a model or controller, a concern is created, with the appropriate include declaration left behind. :help rails-:Rextract
* Fully customizable. Define "projections" at the global, app, or gem level to define navigation commands and override the alternate file, default rake task, syntax highlighting, abbreviations, and more. :help rails-projections.
* Integration with other plugins. If dbext.vim is installed, it will be transparently configured to reflect database.yml. Users of abolish.vim get pluralize and tableize coercions, and users of bundler.vim get a smattering of features. :help rails-integration
If you like rails.vim and use Git, please Watch the repository on Github at, and try my Git wrapper fugitive.vim: vimscript #2975 |
install details |
Extract the zip file to ~/.vim (or vimfiles on Windows). To use the help, see :help add-local-help. In a nutshell, :helptags ~/.vim/doc.
For details, see :help rails |
Click on the package to download. |
5.4 |
2018-03-04 |
7.0 |
Tim Pope |
Fix issues with :Eview.
Fix :Clog.
Fix file creation on :confirm A.
Fix working directory in :Generate.
Fix :Rails g and other abbreviated commands on pre-5 Rails. | |
5.3 |
2017-06-08 |
7.0 |
Tim Pope |
Massive gf rewrite for better extensibility.
Greatly improved asset support.
Provide command line <C-R><C-F> with same logic as gf.
Support Rails 5 rails/rake unification.
Selectively delegate :Rails to rake on older Rails versions.
:Rails supersedes :Rake as default task dispatcher.
Add channel and serializer support.
Support tab/vert style mods on Vim 8.
Provide :Clog to load logs into quickfix list.
Update syntax highlighting for Rails 5.1.
Use filetype=eruby.yaml for yaml files.
Refactor to use projections for much of internal implementation.
Enable :Econtroller to edit controller concerns.
Rearrange and clean up help.
Drop legacy (non asset pipeline) Less CSS and CoffeeScript support.
Formally deprecate R commands. | |
5.2 |
2015-05-07 |
7.0 |
Tim Pope |
Add rails compiler plugin and use it for :Rails, :Rake, and :make.
Provide dispatch.vim configuration.
Support projectionist.vim compatible projections. Old % style is deprecated.
Improve support for view variants.
Support asset pipeline with gf.
Drop first extension from .css.scss, per Rails 5.
Provide :Ejob.
Support rails_helper.rb from rspec 3 on :Eintegrationtest.
Add alternate file support for CoffeeScript.
Add test/controllers file to view tests.
Require app/ for app detection (fixes false positive on Lotus).
Support detecting unicorn pid and binding.
Use routes to determine default :Rpreview location.
Fix failure to define :OpenURL.
Provide more :Rake defaults.
Change :Rake migration default to db:migrate:redo.
Change :Rake fallback from default to --tasks.
Support Bundler 2.
Syntax highlighting updates.
Switch ctags --language from -javascript to ruby.
Prefer .ctags over g:rails_ctags_arguments.
Warn about deprecated :R commands. | |
5.1 |
2014-04-01 |
7.0 |
Tim Pope |
Modernize choice of rake task for running individual tests.
Support gf for jbuilder partials.
Support db/structure.sql.
Support app/assets/ file creation (as opposed to public/).
Highlight custom keywords in eruby and haml.
Miscellaneous syntax highlighting additions.
Eliminate assorted low value syntax highlighting tricks.
Drop automatic set completefunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete.
Improve log file syntax highlighting.
Eliminate log file syntax folding for massive speed boost.
Add g:rails_no_dbext to disable automatic dbext config.
Partial forward compatibility with projectile.vim style projections.
Fix :Rlocale with no argument.
Fix :.Rake in a .task file.
Fix relative directories in 'path'.
Fix unintentional jumps into required files.
Assorted alternate file fixes and enhancements.
Assorted fixes to Rails app detection.
Assorted buffer load performance improvements. | |
5.0 |
2013-04-01 |
7.0 |
Tim Pope |
"Projections" greatly enhance the configurability of rails.vim. See the help.
Drop R from navigation commands (:Emodel, :Smodel, etc). Old commands are still supported.
Navigation commands provide boilerplate on file creation.
Run tests with :Rrunner.
Load :Rails new/:Rgenerate/:Rdestroy results into quickfix.
Assorted Rails 4 updates.
:Rails replaces deprecated :Rscript.
Extract concerns and helpers with :Rextract.
Switch :Elib default to Gemfile.
Switch :Emigration 0 to db/seeds.rb.
Add :Eschema navigation command.
Remove support for plugins, including navigation command.
Detect and support engines with bundler.vim.
Better :Rpreview support for finding the currently running server.
Indent settings are no longer automatically adjusted. Try sleuth.vim.
Remove configuration provisions superseded by projections.
Remove assorted seldom used features. | |
4.4 |
2011-09-01 |
7.0 |
Tim Pope |
Support Rails 3.1 assets (smarter :Rjavascript and :Rstylesheet). Support RSpec 2 backtrace format in :Rake. Support rename_index in :Rinvert. Support slim template type. Better support for Rails 3 style `:Rails new foo`. Link Gemfile and Gemfile.lock with :A. Add bundler.vim support. Syntax highlight `execute` in migrations. Syntax highlight `attr_readonly` [Adam Vaughan]. Syntax highlight `around` in specs [CaÌssio Marques]. Fix Oracle dbext support [Mark Roghelia]. Fix singularization of "movies". Fix gf on render :partial => 'foo/bar.html'. Fix gf with Ruby 1.9 hashes. Remove AWS abbreviation. Remove statusline indicator. Remove project.vim support. | |
4.3 |
2010-09-10 |
7.0 |
Tim Pope |
Support :Rails new app for Rails 3.
Add support for CoffeeScript, LESS CSS, and SCSS.
Syntax highlighting updates for Rails 3 and RSpec 2.
Support for RSpec 2's spec/requests.
Support :.Rake in test 'foo' do ... end.
:Rake in quickfix window reruns last rake task.
:Rake - reruns last rake task.
:Rake in views runs view specs.
Support test/unit/helpers.
:A from app/weird/foo.rb to spec/weird/foo_spec.rb.
Enable omnicomplete in Haml views.
Also create :RD commands with :Rnavcommand.
Fix gf on "include Namespaced::Module".
Fix Windows "C:" versus "c:" issue.
Change cookies abbreviation from co to coo (so one can type | |
4.2 |
2010-03-13 |
7.0 |
Tim Pope |
Default :Rlib to db/seeds.rb.
Default :Rplugin to Gemfile.
:Renvironment prefers Rails 3's config/application.rb.
Support script/rails from Rails 3.
Update generator completion for Rails 3.
Syntax highlighting and gf support in Rails 3 routes.
Update syntax highlighting for assorted Rails 3 changes.
Add support for Rails 3 mailers.
Add :Rmailer navigation command.
Add abbreviations for ActiveModel/ActionDispatch.
Expose pluralization as abolish.vim (vimscript #1545) coercions t and l.
Add support for allml.vim replacement ragtag.vim (vimscript #1896).
Highlight its, expect, and double from RSpec.
Fix parsing of Test::Unit failures.
Add support for tmux (like GNU screen) [Will Gray].
Disable menu in MacVim by default to eliminate weird terminal output.
Eliminate g:rails_expensive, g:rails_dbext, and g:rails_default_database.
| |
4.1 |
2009-12-18 |
7.0 |
Tim Pope |
Completely eliminate usage of if_ruby.
Highlight *_via_redirect in tests and raw in views.
Support gf on stylesheets/javascripts when extension is given.
License clarification to enable distribution in Debian.
Explain that donations on Github through Pledgie are matched and given to ICCF. | |
4.0 |
2009-10-04 |
7.0 |
Tim Pope |
Remove all deprecated commands.
Update syntax highlighting for Rails 2.3.4.
Fix bug when path to application contains whitespace.
:Rtree spawns NERDTree. :Rproject is deprecated.
Ignore all Javascript with :Rtags.
Assorted changes to dbext support.
Clean up verbosity in statusline.
Fix bugs in :Rfixtures.
:Rlocale navigation command.
:Rintegrationtest knows about integration specs.
:RD family of commands for reading in a file.
:R in model is now schema definition (die, annotated_models).
:A in view now always tries for a spec or test, not a helper.
:R/:A jump to next/previous timestamped migration.
:1R filename calls :Rfind filename.
:0R is the same as :A and :.A is the same as :R.
Cease setting makeprg.
:Rake opens error window (:cwindow).
:Rake in db/seeds.rb runs rake db:seed.
:.Rake in controller runs rake routes CONTROLLER=.
Document :Rake default tasks. | |
3.4 |
2009-03-27 |
7.0 |
Tim Pope |
Load rake stats, routes, notes, etc into quickfix window.
:Rake! doesn't jump to first error.
:Rmetal navigation command.
:Rintegrationtest edits cucumber features.
:Rstylesheet edits sass if present.
Preserve case with :Rjavascript and :Rstylesheet.
Option for :Rtags to override ctags arguments.
Rails 2.3 gf support: render 'foo', ApplicationController.
Rails 2.3 and additional rspec syntax highlighting. | |
3.3 |
2009-01-23 |
7.0 |
Tim Pope |
:Rtags ignores jquery plugins (can trip up ctags).
:Rtags indexes .rake, .rjs, and .builder files [Mark Wilden].
:Rproject is more robust against missing directories [Mark Wilden].
:Rproject uses NERDTree if project.vim not present.
Highlight #default_scope in models; setup/teardown/test in tests [Daniel Schierbeck].
:.Rake in a migration method runs db:migrate:up or db:migrate:down.
Gracefully ignore leading underscore in :Rextract _foo.
Navigation commands accept a line number (:Redit Rakefile:5).
:Rmigration with no argument always jumps to latest migration.
:Renvironment and :Rinitializer navigation commands. | |
3.2 |
2008-11-13 |
7.0 |
Tim Pope |
Fix :Rview when the cwd isn't the rails root.
Fix edge case with :Rscript family on Windows.
Use new autocmd interface of dbext 8.00.
Fix :Rp, :Rpp, :Ry.
Miscellaneous tab complete fiddling.
:Rake in a cucumber feature runs that feature.
Pluralization for alias, status, index, and vertex. | |
3.1 |
2008-10-24 |
7.0 |
Tim Pope |
Update helpers to Edge Rails.
:Rmigration 0 edits db/schema.rb.
:Rake now defaults to full test/spec (:.Rake for a focused run).
Remove Vim 7 clauses from documentation.
:Redit . edits Rails root.
Fix tab completion bugs.
Fix :Rails command.
| |
3.0 |
2008-10-17 |
7.0 |
Tim Pope |
Major refactoring to take advantage of Vim 7 features (please report any regressions).
Smart, app dependent menus for generators and rake tasks.
Smart, app dependent tab completion for generators, rake tasks, and environments.
Crude fuzzy tab complete: :Rmodel um<Tab> could expand to user_mailer.
:Rlib with no argument is now a shortcut to config/routes.rb.
:Rintegrationtest with no argument now a shortcut to test/test_helper.rb.
:Rspec navigation command.
:Runittest also navigates to model specs.
:Rfunctionaltest also navigates to controller specs.
:Rfixtures finds extensionless rspec fixtures.
:Rake line number argument. :8Rake to run the test on line 8.
:0Rake forces all tests to run.
:Rake in a spec scopes by line number.
:Rake in an app/ file runs the corresponding spec (if no test exists).
:Rake in config/routes.rb runs rake routes.
:Rake in a fixtures file runs db:fixtures:identify LABEL=identifier.
:0Rake in a fixtures file runs db:fixtures:load FIXTURES=name.
:Rtags now creates tags file in tmp (for easier SCM ignoring).
Fix :Rgenerate migration to properly jump to timestamped migrations. | |
2.1 |
2008-10-09 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
Syntax highlighting updates.
Tweaks to gf algorithm to find views and add include/extend support.
:Rcd and :Rlcd tab completion.
:Rake in a spec scopes by line number.
Fix :A for lib/view/nested-controller specs.
Detect model name in object daddy exemplars (for use with :Rmodel, etc)
Point docs at github repository. | |
2.0 |
2008-05-26 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
New git friendly versioning scheme.
Extract rails_tabstop feature to vimscript #2253.
Tab completion of timestamped migrations.
Work around nonzero exit status on Leopard.
Minor bug fixes. | |
256 |
2008-02-17 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
Added an autoload file, greatly reducing the code loaded at startup.
Highlight omitted assert_tag and assert_no_tag methods in tests.
OS X now more liberally detected when choosing a browser.
Handle plain files with gf. | |
239 |
2008-01-03 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
Miscellaneous Rails 2.0 related tweaks.
Commands like :Rconsole now work with Cygwin Ruby.
Rudimentary HAML support. | |
222 |
2007-11-02 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
:Rake runs rake spec inside a spec.
Rails 2.0 cleanups and tweaks | |
216 |
2007-09-06 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
Refactoring. Please report any regressions.
:Rpreview utilizes "# GET /foos/1" style comments.
:Rake in a migration defaults to migrating to the currently edited version. | |
200 |
2007-05-31 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
Anniversary edition:
Greatly enhanced documentation.
Proper gf support for named route helpers (edit_post_url).
Syntax highlighting for custom assertions from test_helper.rb. | |
192 |
2007-05-17 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
:Rails works again.
:R jumps between config/database.yml and config/environments/*.rb | |
190 |
2007-05-15 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
Partial support for nested extensions from edge (index.html.erb)
:Rpp and Ry evaluate ruby and pretty print/YAML dump the result.
:Rplugin navigation command.
Fixed multiple bugs peculiar to Vim 6.2.
Other small bug fixes and enhancements. | |
180 |
2007-04-17 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
:Rtask now additionally looks in the currently edited plugin's task directory.
:Rlib navigation command looks for files in the lib directory and the current plugin's lib directory.
:Rcommand creates custom navigation commands.
:Rrefresh clears certain cached data. :Rrefresh! reloads rails.vim.
Added a browsefilter (for win32 file dialogs). | |
175 |
2007-03-30 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
Highlight user classes (models, etc.) with the railsUserClass group.
Static list of highlighted helper methods (speeds up initialization).
HTML highlighting occurs inside string literals like %Q<Hello <b>world</b>>.
Recognize .erb and .builder extensions from edge Rails.
:Rtask navigation command. | |
166 |
2007-02-27 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
Prototype syntax highlighting.
Improved errorformat, and an alternate format on :Rake! for backtraces.
More robust database.yml loading for dbext. | |
150 |
2007-01-28 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
Fixed stack overflow when used in conjunction with rubycomplete.vim.
Improved speed in certain setups on network file systems.
More Rails 1.2 goodies, including limited gf on url helpers. | |
144 |
2007-01-17 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
Syntax highlighting for routes.
Updates for Ruby on Rails 1.2 (primarily syntax highlighting, and a few abbreviations).
Tiny little bug fixes. | |
140 |
2007-01-05 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
:Rstylesheet and :Rjavascript commands.
Better tab completion for some file editing commands.
GUI menu for recently edited projects.
Certain expensive operations now enabled by default. See :help rails-slow if you have any noticable delays. | |
132 |
2006-11-01 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
":Rmodel ." will open app/models. Other commands follow suit.
Support for surround.vim, vimscript#1697.
Miscellaneous bug fixes and cleanups. | |
128 |
2006-08-16 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
Improved documentation.
Minor bug fixes.
Deprecated :Rpartial in favor of :Rextract. | |
123 |
2006-08-04 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
Quieter error messages (less "Press ENTER").
Fully functional modelines, including method local modelines.
:Rmodel, :Rview, :Rcontroller, plus 9 other similar commands. | |
113 |
2006-07-19 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
Bugfix for error messages in 6.x (apparently string() was added in 7.0) | |
111 |
2006-07-17 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
:Rinvert to write a self.down migration.
:Rset for per-app/buffer/method configuration.
Preliminary modelines (disabled by default). | |
100 |
2006-07-02 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
:Rserver to start a new server, :Rserver! to kill old server first.
Other new commands.
Improved 'errorformat'.
Integration with dbext.vim.
GUI menu.
Robustness, robustness, robustness.
Miscellaneous bug fixes and tweaks.
And as always, more... | |
69 |
2006-06-16 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
rails_level now defaults to 3.
a.vim compatible commands (:A et al).
autocmds for specific file types (e.g. models)
minimal syntax based user completion function (^X^U).
:Rlog and log syntax highlighting.
:Rproject - create/find a project.vim project.
and more... | |
37 |
2006-06-06 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
Lots of new features:
Easy configuration with g:rails_level.
:Rgenerate controller Foo generates and edits foo_controller.rb.
<LocalLeader>rm and <LocalLeader>ra for good clean fun.
Smarter partial extraction with :Rpartial.
And more... | |
18 |
2006-05-31 |
6.0 |
Tim Pope |
Initial upload |