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CD_Plus : cd completion accelerator & file browser

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created by
Eric Arnold
script type


    Gets you where you're going with the minimum possible keystrokes:

        Each key stroke is completed as it is typed.  Since I used <Tab>
        and ^D constantly, I figured, why not make it the default?

        A directory listing is maintained in a separate window.  The clean,
        scrollable/editable directory/file completion list is in a regular
        Vim window.

        A history is maintained individually for directories and files

        The completion is optimized for fast directory browsing, and file

        You can create aliases for any directory/file.  So, if you've set an
        alias for '1', then ':cd 1<cr>' moves to that directory.

    Key Commands:

    ^H <BS>     The backspace keys are a combination of single char backspace
                and immediate history "rollback".  They attempt to go back to
                the first valid directory completion point.

    ^W          Erase backwards a word/directory.

    ^U          Clear the line.

    <TAB>       Rotate through the current list.

    <CR>        Execute a "cd" command to the currently shown directory.

                If <CR> is typed in the display window, the name under the
                cursor will be copied to the command line.

    <ESC>       Jump into the __CD__ display window.   <ESC> jumps back.
                <CR> selects and jumps back.  Changes made to history lists
                in the buffer are saved to the global history vars.

    <C-F>       ^F opens the command edit window.

    <C-C>       ^C quits without changing directories.

    <C-N>       Forward/backward in the directory/file history.

    /           Can have special actions, see 'Navigating'

    <C-L>       Refresh

    <C-E>       Scroll one line
    <C-D>       Scroll page
                Note : it is almost as easy to do your scrolling using
                <ESC> to bounce to/from the display window.

    Other Commands:

        The built-in commands are implemented as aliases (as are pc-drive
        names).  You can override them, but then it's up to you to create
        new ones.  Enter commands after a trailing  / .

    'set '      Set an alias to the current directory displayed.

    'delete '   Delete an alias.

    'o pt '     Sets options.  (o<SPACE>pt is to force it to match sooner.)
            -   Set display column wrap width.  Set to 0 for auto-sizing to
                longest path name.

            -   Auto-change directory.  (default is 'local', as in 'lcd')

            -   Recan for pc drives, and create 'C:/' style aliases.

            -   Match collapses (shortens) listings (default on; off means
                always show full directory listing).

            -   Toggle highlighting on/off

    'sort '     Sets sorting type. (default==alpha, time, size)

    'long'      Long listing toggle (sets wrap, fsize, etc.)

    'help '     This listing.

    'history '  Browse the history.  A separate history is accessed
                depending on whether the current command is 'cd' or 'lcd',
                or some other file oriented command like 'e' or 'new'.

    'edit '     Switch to 'open/edit' file mode.
    'new '      

    ': '        Input other ex command.  I.e.  :vimgrep aug<CR>
                will prepend as ':vimgrep aug /someroot/somefiles*'

            Most of these can be abbreviated as first-char<space>  .

        Note:   Spaces might not be displayed at the end of a line due to
                some problem with 'echo' and 'input()'.


        Every character typed will be treated as part of a directory or alias,
        and the display will change accordingly.  Unmatched characters will
        generally be discarded.  This takes a little getting used to, since
        you might tend to type ahead more than will match (see also // below ).

        The  /  character is somewhat special.  If you add a slash after a
        directory name, it moves the display to that directory, and sets the
        current 'input' value to null.  Therefore, typing aliases is best done
        after a trailing  /  char.

        Literal input:

            '//' must be used to enter non-existing names.

            Adding a / to the end of a line which already ends in / will
            toggle the  'g:CD_any_input'  option (default off).
            Normally, keys which don't match anything are thrown away unless
            this option == 1.  It also affects what names can be taken
            from the ^N/^P history.  Aliases are not completed, and must be
            entered as .../full_alias<space>/


    -   Aliases automatically have a space added after them to help
        distinguish from directories of the same name.

    -   Best way to see all aliases is to clear the line with ^U


        The default key mapping is:

            cnoremap <silent> <expr> e<space> ( getcmdpos() == 1 && getcmdtype() == ':' ? CD_Plus_start('e') : 'e' )
            cnoremap <expr> cd ( getcmdpos() == 1 && getcmdtype() == ':' ? CD_Plus_start('cd') : 'cd' )
            cnoremap <expr> lcd ( getcmdpos() == 1 && getcmdtype() == ':' ? CD_Plus_start('lcd') : 'lcd' )
        a simpler keymap might be:
            nnoremap <leader>cd :call CD_Plus('cd')<CR>

        There is a list of globals,  following the script header, which you
        can change.  There are a few more, but these are the simple ones,
        which can also be set via option aliases.

            g:CD_rc_file                default: $HOME . '/.vim_cd_plus'
                                    Most globals and history are saved

            g:CD_autochdir          'off', 'local', or 'global'

            g:CD_dsp_wrap_len       default 19, specifies display column

            g:CD_any_input          0 or 1, the starting value for literal
                                    input (also set by trailing // toggle).

            g:CD_scan_pc_drives     0 or 1, whether to attempt to discover
                                    pc drive names (like C:, D:, etc.) and
                                    create aliases for them.

        If you want to customize the highlighting or sorting, it's a little
        more complicated.  For highlighting, there is an 'init' function
        that needs to be changed.  For sorting, an entry must be added to
        the g:CD_aliases dict var (see top of script), and a new function
        must be defined to do the sorting.  See the Sort_by_ftime() or
        Sort_by_extension() functions for examples.


    -   Works only with 'shellslash' on.
    -   Restoring the command line height is a true pain in the ass.  It
        works most of the time, though that is little consolation.
    -   Tabbing is a little slow on large directory lists because of the
        redraw requirement.  It isn't much a problem, though since it's only
        noticable when you hold the tab key down.
install details
Put into your plugin directory

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
CD_Plus.vim 2.3 2006-06-21 7.0 Eric Arnold - added window size restore
- changed // to 'literal' command
- bug with fname and dirname sharing same prefix
CD_Plus.vim 2.2 2006-06-08 7.0 Eric Arnold - Fixed accumulating syntax entries (gradual slow down)
- Highlighting shortcuts to speed up tabbing
CD_Plus.vim 2.1 2006-06-07 7.0 Eric Arnold - Misc fixes (stray error messages)
- Option to recan for pc drives
- Misc fixes for pc drive pathnames
(Still some problems).
- Added sorting options
- Faster scrolling and tabbing
- Changed :excmd enter method
- Added file size and time options.
- Added match collapse listing option.
- Added highlighting toggle
- Added long listing toggle
CD_Plus.vim 2.0 2006-06-04 7.0 Eric Arnold
- Added literal input mode (allow non-existent
- Added ^F command window access.
- Display and highlighting cleaned and improved.
- Added options aliases for col wrap and
- Added ^E ^Y passthrough for scrolling.
- Misc fixes.
CD_Plus.vim 1.5 2006-06-02 7.0 Eric Arnold -   many minor fixes
-   added filename completion, and quick switch to
    edit, etc., and cmap e<space> .....
-   added separate directory and filename
-   will try to create intermediate directories.
CD_Plus.vim 1.0 2006-05-22 7.0 Eric Arnold Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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