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ToggleOptions.vim : Quick toggling of options

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created by
Eric Arnold
script type
This allows "toggling" of more complex operations, like switching off "diffthis".  It also reduces the number of key mappings used overall by placing the operations under a key activated command window menu, i.e. if the key map is <leader>o  and <leader> is ",":
displays an option list in the command window:
     wrap, Wrapscan, list, binary, modifiable, diff, virtualedit, uhex
so the full command
toggles "diff" mode on/off for a window (including foldcolumn=0)
toggles "modifiable" and "readonly" together.

You should edit the script to add what want.  E.g.  add your item to the menu call string:

    let l:char = s:Char_menu( "{w}rap, {W}rapscan, {l}ist, {b}inary, {m}odifiable, {d}iff, {v}irtualedit, uhe{x}" )

where {text} is in a different color, then add an elseif clause:

    elseif l:char ==# 'm'
        if &modifiable && !&readonly
            set nomodifiable
            set readonly
            set modifiable
            set noreadonly
        set readonly?
        set modifiable?
install details
Put it in the plugin directory.  Change the <leader>o  key map as desired.

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
ToggleOptions.vim 1 2005-05-09 6.0 Eric Arnold Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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