drcstubs : Imaps to provide active stubs (currently: c, LaTeX, sh, vim)
script karma |
Rating 24/9,
Downloaded by 2250 |
Comments, bugs, improvements
Vim wiki
created by |
Charles Campbell |
script type |
ftplugin |
description |
All of the DrCStubs ftplugin scripts provide maps which work during insert mode. One may use either the shorthand or longhand maps to invoke the corresponding imap. They are invoked whenever a string is followed by a backquote.
One major advantage of these imaps is that they, in turn, take advantage of the user's cindent settings and/or indentation scripts. Thus the result should be as if the user had typed them him/herself.
* These imaps will not operate if "set paste:" is on.
* They work well with vimscript#1270 indenting scripts
In the maps below:
An "X" is where the cursor will end up after the map is invoked.
An "Y" is where the cursor will end up after an <esc> is pressed.
A "|" means a newline.
Another form of help is available by typing >
Shorthand Longhand Expands
Map Map To
--------- -------- -------
i` if` if(X) {Y}
e` els[e]` else {X}
ei` eli[f]` else if(X) {Y}
f` for\=` for(X;;) {Y}
w` wh[ile]` while(X) {Y}
s` sw[itch]` switch(X) {Y}
c` ca[se]` case X: Y break;
d` defa[ult]` default: Y break;
` do` do {X} while(Y);
E` Ed[bg]` Edbg((\"func(X)\"Y));
R` Rd[bg]` Rdbg((\"funcX\"Y));
D` Dp[rintf]` Dprintf((1,\"X\"Y));
in[clude]` #include X
de[fine]` #define X
#` #ifdef X ... #endif
Environments And Abbreviations
Shorthand Longhand Expands
Map Map To
--------- -------- -------
align` \begin{align}|X|\end{align}
arr` array` \left[\begin{array}{ccc}|X|\end{array}\right]
ctr` center` \begin{center}|X|\end{center}
desc` description` \begin{description}|\item[X]|\end{sdescription}
enum` enumerate` \begin{enumerate}|\item X|\end{enumerate}
eps` epsf` \begin{figure}[H]\centering\framebox{\epsfbox{X.eps}}\end{figure}
eqn` equation` \begin{equation}|X|\end{equation}
eqna` eqnarray` \begin{eqnarray}|X&=& Y \\|\end{eqnarray}
fig` figure` \begin{figure}[H]\centering \framebox{X} \caption{CAPTION HERE} \end{figure}
flalign` \begin{flalign}|X|\end{flalign}
frac` \frac{X}{Y}
gat` gather` \begin{gather}|X|\end{gather}
i` \item X
i` \item[X] Y (if vim v7, and in a description block)
item` itemize` \begin{itemize}|\item X|\end{itemize}
mat` matrix` \left[|\begin{array}{cc}| X & & \\|& & |\end{array}|\right]
mini` minipage` \begin{minipage}[H]{4in}|X|\end{minipage}
multc` multicol` \multicolumn{1}{X|c|}{MultiColumn}
multl` multline` \begin{multline}|X|\end{multline}
split` \begin{equation}\begin{split}|X|\end{split}\end{equation}
tab` tabular` (too long for here)
v` \verb`X`
verb` verbatim` \begin{verbatim}|X|\end{verbatim}
Script Style Support
Shorthand Longhand Expands
Map Map To
--------- -------- -------
bf` \textbf{}
it` \textit{}
rm` \textrm{}
sc` \textsc{}
sf` \textsf{}
sl` \textsl{}
tt` \texttt{}
mtt` \mathtt{}
mrm` \mathrm{}
mbf` \mathbf{}
msf` \mathsf{}
mtt` \mathtt{}
mit` \mathit{}
mcal` \mathcal{}
Greek Letters:
Shorthand Expands Shorthand Expands
Map To Map To
--------- ------- --------- -------
a` \alpha v \nu
b` \beta f \xi
g` \gamma p \pi
d` \delta vp \varpi
e` \epsilon r \rho
ve` \varepsilon vr \varrho
z` \zeta s \sigma
n` \eta v \varsigma
t` \theta t \tau
vt` \vartheta u \upsilon
io` \iota h \phi
k` \kappa vh \varphi
l` \lambda x \chi
m` \mu q \psi
w` \omega
Shorthand Longhand Expands
Map Map To
--------- -------- -------
ca[se]` c` case X in|Y|esac
fo[r]` f` for X in Y ; do|Z|done
if` i` if [[ X ]]; then|Y|fi
eli[f]` ei` elif [[ X ]]; then|Y
els[e]` e` else|X
fu[nction]` function X|{|Y|}
wh[ile]` w` while [[ X ]]; do|Y|done
Shorthand Longhand Expands
Map Map To
--------- -------- -------
i if if X|endif
e els[e] else|X
ei eli[f] elseif X
fu[nction] fun! X(Y)|endfun
w wh[ile] while X|endwhile
F Df[unc] call Dfunc("func(X)")|Y
R Dr[et] call Dret("return func X")
D De[echo] call Decho("X")|Y
(alpha/beta version available at http://www.drchip.org/astronaut/vim/index.html#DRCSTUBS)
install details |
1. Place drcstubs.tar.gz in your $HOME/.vim or ..wherever..\vimfiles directory
2. gunzip drcstubs.tar.gz
3. tar -oxvf drcstubs.tar
4. Have "filetype plugin indent on" in your <.vimrc>
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
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